$95.00 (CAD)
This handcrafted, solid Maple handle has been painted and then distressed to give it a vintage look. Then it was topped with a 24mm Two-Band badger knot. The combination of both these things creates a shaving brush that is totally unique!
Two Band knots have a distinct two band color pattern. Its lighter coloured natural tips contrast with the dark black band that extends all the way down to the base. These knots are made up of the thicker badger hairs, creating a strong backbone that is great for exfoliation without being scratchy and whips up a rich lather with soaps and creams. The Two Bander is a popular choice for all wetshavers!
Knot Type: Two-Band
Knot Style: Bulb
Knot Diameter: 24mm
Knot Loft: 50mm
Brush Height: 110mm / 4.31″ (4 5/16″)
Brush Weight: 55g / 1.9 oz
Handle Material: Wood – Maple